October Refurbish Orthotics Special
$99 $79
Expiration date: October 31st
Foot Dynamics recommends refurbishing your orthotics every 1- 3 years depending on use and activity to retain their original therapeutic value. Regular price of refurbishing is $99 plus shipping (if needed).
OCTOBER SPECIAL: Save 20% on refurbishing any orthotics to like-new condition
for $79 plus shipping (if needed).
How popular is this deal?
VERY! Because of this, all orthotics received in October will be returned in 2 to 3 weeks.
Is this too long to be without them?
Order and pay online during the month of October, and wait until November or December to send or bring them in – we’ll be waiting for them and turnaround time will be quicker!
How to take advantage of this great deal?
Order online
Mail Order
Include a check for $79 (per pair) + $7.95 for return shipping when sending your orthotics to us or we can call you for your card info after we have received them.
In Store
Bring them on in!
We will take care of you.